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Thursday 11 March 2010


Sorry havent been on for a while - Unfortunately time is not on my side at the moment. Everytime I have decided to sit and make a few cards Marc and Chloe have decided no we want your attention instead - not long now and I have an hour to myself to get on creating when Chloe is at nursery.

Well my sister and I have decided to give ourselves little challenges. The first is we have 4 card toppers to make in two weeks (sounds simple enough) 2 general and 2 christmas. How we are using our majestic glitter girls boards as we have seemed to bought these products and then as normal we have just been placed in a draw (typical I think for us crafters to want and then bury our goodies). I have started one, I am just waiting for the glitter to dry from round the outer edge. Hopefully get one done today but that depends on how Marc and Chloe are going to be.

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Thank you for all your lovely comments it is really appreciated xx big hugs xxx Hilly